Cutting Down the Forgotten Long-Term
Into the Achievable Short Term
So, almost a year ago, I wrote a post about the importance of goals. I urged people to make 5-year goals, I reflected on my past 5 years and set new goals for 35-40. As we head into a new year, I must admit that my 5-year goals are not something that I think about every day...and I love goal-setting and working toward goals. Perhaps for someone who is not as passionate about goal-setting, they could go a whole 5 years without ever revisiting their goals, evaluating their progress, and adjusting their course. With these people in mind, and inspired by the new year which is fast approaching, I offer a new challenge, a 30-Day Challenge.
What do you want to add to your life? What have you always wanted to do? Why haven’t you done it? In long-term goal setting, we often lose focus, passion, and will. We forget. We find it too difficult. Or we just stop caring. Short-term goals allow for quicker results, which means meeting our goals, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and being motivated to set new ones. Time is also a concern…there never seems to be enough! In the video below, Matt Cutts explains that all we need to commit to is 30 days to do what we’ve always wanted to do. Take a picture every day, bike to work, write a novel, learn to play an instrument, practice a foreign language…no matter what our New Year's resolution, we can grow into a stronger version of ourselves in just 30 days. Forget about planning for all of 2017...what can you accomplish in January?
How can we make this challenge a reality as we head into the new year? What will be the benefits of taking this type of challenge? How can we team up with friends and family in order to hold each other accountable to meeting our 30-day goals?